Batman: The Telltale Series (2016 Video Game)
Batman The Telltale Series: Another great Telltale title
18 January 2018
I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a Telltale games fanboy. It's not that they can't do any wrong, it's just that they very rarely do.

Though a fan of DC & Marvel I've never quite seen the fascination with Batman so I wasn't bowled over upon hearing that this was being made. I wasn't overly concerned however as Telltale seem able to make a great game out of any franchise. I dislike the Walking Dead show and the Borderlands game series but adored the Telltale adaptations.

Batman the Telltale game has a solid storyline as you'd imagine, it looks great, it plays great and is yet another success all round. One thing that did surprise me is how merciful it, Telltale have a long history of breaking your heart and killing off characters but here it's really quite tame stuff.

This however didn't dampen it's quality and I'd consider this essential for both Telltale & Batman fans alike.

It tells the story of Waynes world crashing down around him as his family name is dragged through the mud, his friendships fall apart and the Children Of Arkham start ravaging the city.

It's all done very well and I applaud Telltale once again for making a solid game around a franchise I'm never overwhelmed with.

The Good:

Looks great

Solid voice acting

Very well put together story

The Bad:

Bit more glitchy than the average Telltale game

Really does make up its own lore

Things I Learnt From This Game:

I don't remember Kim Basinger as Vicki Vale being like that!

Alfred is a badass
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