is a violent and entertaining Spaghetti/Paella Western co-produced by Italy and Spain , shot in Almeria , dealing with a drunk sheriff
7 February 2018
It is a typical Spaghetti/Chorizo Western including common scenarios , two-fisted antiheroes , rapid zooms and strong confrontations full of shots , go riding , crossfire , plot twists and violence . It contains a catching soundtrack , an evocative cinematography and nice production design shot in Elios studios , Lazio and Almeria , of course . This exciting Western regarding a drunk ex-sheriff named Fred Leinster (Bret Halsey as Montgomery Ford) who becomes involved into a kidnapping . As the son of a beautiful widow (Teresa Gimpera) is kidnapped by cutthroats for a ransom . As the ex-sheriff is hired by a kidnapper (Antonio Casas) to take the ransom ; along the way they are shot ; but , the unsettling and disturbing Fred escapes , initiates an implacable hunting down to free the child and goes on his vendetta . Fred eventually supported by a foreman (Francisco Sanz) proceeds his activities at whatever cost , acting as judge , jury and executioner . And the end takes place his encounter with enemies in a mining cave , including unexpected surprises and twists . This is a doomed journey to hell through vengeance , murders and violence .

This is an acceptable Ravioli Western with thrills , noisy action , gun-play , and violent incidents , but the film seems some claustrophobic , with dark and shading photography , as much of the action takes place in confined areas , deserts , defiles , including a mining cave for the ending showdown . Bret Halsey with pseudonym Montgomery Ford , in a similar role to ¨Dean Martin's El Dorado¨ plays a drunk ex-sheriff who is afflicted with death his wife and son . Brett starred several Spaghettis as ¨Kill Johnny Ringo¨ , ¨Wrath of god¨, ¨Roy Colt and Winchester Jack¨ , ¨Twenty thousand dollars for seven¨ and ¨Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die!¨. Although he also performed other genres as Wartime : ¨To hell and back¨ , ¨Jet over Atlantic¨, ¨Atomic submarine¨, ¨submarine seahawk¨ , Drama : ¨Return to Peyton Place¨, ¨The girl in lover's lane¨, Adventures : ¨The magnificent adventurer¨ and Terror : ¨return the fly¨, ¨Black cat¨, ¨Demonia¨. Support cast is pretty well , it is filled with familiar faces from Spaghetti as Italian actors as Howard Ross , Germano Longo , Andrea Fantasia , as Spanish players such as Teresa Gimpera , Fernando Sancho , Antonio Casas and Francisco Sanz . Evocative and thrilling musical score by Michele Lanzeranza in Ennio Morricone wake . The music is suitably Spaghetti with the blaring trumpets , and guitar chords . Atmospheric cinematography in Technicolor , Techniscope , plenty of lights and shades , by Mario Pacheco , but a perfect remastring is really necessary because of the film copy is worn-out . Being decently filmed in Almeria , including its narrow passes , mountains and rocky outdoors , and Lazio , Elios studios Rome , Italy .

This Spaghetti Western decently produced by José Frade7Atlantida Films , was professionally shot by the Italian professional Albert Cardone . Albert was a prestigious assistant director to popular films as ¨Ben Hur¨, ¨Purple noon¨, ¨Cagliostro¨ , ¨Carmen¨ , ¨Don Camilo¨ , ¨Return of Don Camilo¨. And shot some films , most of them entertaining Westerns such as : ¨Blood at Sundown¨ , ¨Kidnapping¨ , ¨Il Lungo Giorno Del Massacro¨ , ¨20.000 Dollari Sul¨ , ¨L'ira Di Dio¨ and starred by usual genre stars as Brett Halsey , Gianni Garco , Peter Martell , Wayde Preston , Fernando Sancho and Anthony Steffen . Rating : Better than average 6/10 . Only for Spaghetti Western aficionados .
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