Men In Love
24 February 2018
What a wonderful and unusual experience, to see a film without knowing anything about it. Before I knew it I was in Yorkshire. The silence was deafening, emotions unspoken. Then, Josh O'Connor - a miraculous actor - I didn't know who the actor was and that helped enormously to get sucked into his world - exterior and interior - and to live his experience fully. Alec Secareanu produces the perfect emotional blow. Roughness and tenderness in a stunning, totally believable performance that, I know will live in my mind forever. They changed me somehow. I was forced to look at something in a different way, without preconceptions. Gemma Jones and Ian Hart. complete this masterpiece that I intend to see again tonight with a group of friends who, like me, don't know the first thing about the film, other that I loved it. Francis Lee I'm joining the chorus with a heartfelt, thank you.
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