Fair For What It Is
28 February 2018
Hot Connections (1973)

** (out of 4)

Arnold (Christopher Geoffries) is a rich executive who is living a good life, which consists of banging a lot of women around his office and firing them if they get pregnant or become too annoying. What he doesn't know is that his wife is the leader behind a women's liberation group and pretty soon she sets a trap for him.

HOT CONNECTIONS is a fairly ordinary softcore picture that honestly doesn't have too much going for it. I guess the film seems somewhat timely for 2018 when you consider the women's rights movement currently going on and you can't help but laugh at some of the dialogue here where the male boss abuses his female workers and even takes away some of their basic needs.

For the most part the cast is good for what they're asked to do but lets be honest, they're not asked to do too much. There's beautiful naked women walking around throughout the running time and you also get the typical softcore scenes. Fans of Rene Bond will notice she gets top-billing on several posters but she's only in the film for a few scenes and it totals just a few minutes worth of footage.

HOT CONNECTIONS isn't an awful movie by any stretch of the imagination but at the same time there's really nothing that makes it stand out in a crowded field of softcore movies.
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