Annihilation (I) (2018)
Throw all logic out the window!
10 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this movie was not confusing, nor was it thought provoking. I get the idea of morphology, the shimmer refracting dna and the idea of one's own self destruction to becoming something new/ different. Those ideas were cool, but that's not what I have issues with. It's hard to take this movie as a deep, intellectual movie when common sense and basic logic is all tossed aside. Here is a list of things that I couldn't get passed in this movies:

1. The team. Only one person had military training yet they were all given automatic weapons?

2. The biologist doesn't wear gloves when swabbing specimens? Who cares about contamination right?

3. Everyone they sent into the shimmer has died and never made it back except one guy who is dying and coughing up blood. They kept him in a quarantined area and wore hazmat suits around him, but they go into the shimmer unprotected?

4.This is a military/government operation, where's the military? It would have made more sense to send a team of scientist in with a team of trained military professionals. I get the girl power in this, but you could have sent them in with an all female unit.

5. You kill a giant, vicious mutated gator and decided the best mode of transportation is to get in the water on tiny row boats? People! We are talking about a gator that is on steroids and has severe roid rage! This place is a swamp!

6.Their idea of standing on guard at night is to have one person on the ground 200 ft away from everyone in a small guard shack that has no walls where something can grab you from all angles while everyone else was high up in a lookout tower. There was a balcony on the tower that had one set of stairs that went up it. That is where you put your guard.

7.Who the hell packed their gear? No night vision goggles? No secondary side arms? No masks in case of deadly spores? The side arms and night vision googles later in the movie were stripped from the soldiers equipment they found.

Now. I am not saying do not watch this movie. You can do whatever you want. It's your choice. You might like it and not be bothered by the things I listed.What I am saying is that I cannot agree with those that are praising this as the best sci-fi movie or that it's the most intelligent one. For every intellectually stimulating subject that's touched in the movie is quickly overshadowed by some boneheaded decisions and actions.

There are (in my opinion) better Sci-fi movies out there. Arrival, Blade Runner 1 and 2, Ex Machina, Any Star Trek movie, District 9, 2001, Alien and Aliens, Predator, The Maze Runner, The Matrix, Close Encounters, The Edge of Tomorrow, Minority Report, Interstellar, Dune...

You want thought provoking movies? Check out these: Arrival, Memento, Fight Club, The Sixth Sense, The Number 23, The Count of Monte Cristo...
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