Review of Unforgiven

Unforgiven (1992)
I tried guys and gals, I really tried.
14 March 2018
So the time has come, I made it to my 3000th charted movie on my personal Flickchart account and therefore watched my milestone movie "Unforgiven", as chosen by the members of the Flickchart Facebook group in my poll from a few days back. Before I give up my quick review I will say that this movie would have been one of my next movies to watch anyway. Not because it was one of my most wanted to see movies, the Hitchcock choices were probably my preferred choices, but because I borrowed it from my local library for the purpose of seeing as many of the best of all time to say at least I have watched them. Anyway here is a quick review.

I tried guys and gals, I really tried.

The thing is Westerns would normally be my last choice in movie (even though it seems to be that I hate War movies even more). I can see where this movie can be seen as one of the best of its genre, especially in the last 30 years but still it wasn't for me. I have found that I do like westerns more than I thought I did as I have enjoyed a lot of them over my viewing since I have started my quest to see the best of the best I still need to have a western hook me early on for me to enjoy it and this one just didn't do it.

Now go back 32 years from when this was made, put a "The" in front of the title and swap Clint Eastwood out for a gorgeous Audrey Hepburn and you will find a western I do really enjoy.

Anyway since this was from a flickchart group I am going to end this in the Flickchart Letterboxd way by showing you all how the movie entered my chart.

Unforgiven < Kept Women Unforgiven < The Book of Eli Unforgiven < The Road Unforgiven < Rancho Notorious Unforgiven > Children of the Corn 666 Unforgiven > Patton Unforgiven > Rango Unforgiven > Paranormal Asylum Unforgiven > Twelve Monkeys Unforgiven > Turbo-Charged Prelude Unforgiven > Scarlet Street

Entered at 2816/3000
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