Once Upon a Time in the Ugly Spanish West
15 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A wagon transporting both gold and seven nefarious convicts who are bound for prison gets attacked by bandits in the wild frontier. The survivors of said attack are the resolute Sergeant Brown (a convincingly rugged performance by Claudio Undari), his beautiful young daughter Sarah (an appealing portrayal by fetching brunette Emma Cohen), and the seven sadistic criminals. Brown has his hands full getting the chained together hoodlums to trek through the mountains while keeping Sarah safe from harm.

Director Joaquin Luis Romero Marchent and writers Santiago Moncada and Joaquin Romero Hernandez pull zero punches with the harsh premise: The bleak and desolate snow-covered landscape, the unsparingly grim'n'gritty no-holds-barred tone, the jolting moments of brutal'n'bloody violence, the alarmingly dismal depiction of human beings as greedy and selfish back-stabbing bastards who are all out for themselves, a rich rogue's gallery of primarily grotesque and hateful characters, and the shocking nobody wins nihilistic ending all ensure that this film packs a ferocious punch right to the gut. Carmelo A. Bernaola's spare moody score does the brooding trick. Luis Cuadrado's proficient cinematography makes striking occasional use of jarring freeze frames and boasts lots of striking shots of miserable people trudging across a bitterly cold and unforgiving godforsaken wilderness. A nice'n'nasty little nugget.
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