eros and thanatos
17 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The late Senne Rouffaer was known to generations of Flemish children for his role in the television series "Kapitein Zeppos", which, by the way, was an excellent series. However, he was an outstanding dramatic actor, capable of performances of great power and subtlety. "De man die zijn haar..." contains one of these stellar performances.

"De man die zijn haar..." is a much underrated gem from Belgian cinematic history. Subtle, enigmatic and restrained, it tells the story of one man's slow descent into ever deeper hells of loneliness and amorous obsession. Generally speaking I try to avoid spoilers ; in keeping with this modest policy, I'll just say that the central horror of the story, like a well-planted knife near the spine, takes some time to make its presence known. The eventual impact of the knife is, of course, grievous and shattering in its violence...

This is a movie for fully grown adults with patience, just as it is a movie for fully grown adults with strong nerves : there is a masterfully directed autopsy scene, for instance, that says more about the inevitability of death and the gruesomeness of decay than a whole library filled with religious sermons.

So this is a strong, accomplished movie, well-written, well-directed and well-acted. If you watch it with the careful attention it deserves, it will reward you with a memorable and unusual viewing experience. (I was less fond of the musical score, although the movie contains at least one good musical joke : in the beginning, at the graduation ceremony, there is a rendition of the Belgian national anthem so godawfully incompetent that it could qualify as high treason.)
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