Review of Kaidômaru

Kaidômaru (2001 Video)
Looks fantastic but lacks depth
21 March 2018
This OVA is set in feudal Japan; a time when the capital is threatened by banditry and disease. Young Kintoki is caught up in a family feud but is rescued from her murderous uncle by Raiko; one of a band of warriors. She is raised as a boy and five years later she is a skilled warrior. She gets caught up in battles but also develops feelings for Raiko.

The first thing to say about this OVA is that it looks stunning; the artwork based on the style of Japanese art at the time. This animation nicely combines both 2D and 3D elements. The central story is interesting but I can't help feeling if it would have been better used as the basis for a series rather than an OVA. As it was there is little time to show the character development... one minute Kintoki is being rescued the next she is a warrior; we don't see anything in between or learn much about the world she is in. There is a medium amount of action and this looks pretty good; it is also fairly bloody with some scenes that might upset animal lovers even if the horses are only drawings. Overall I think this is worth watching; more for the visuals than the story.

These comments are based on watching the Japanese version with English subtitles.
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