The Bad Penny (2011)
The Bad Penny
22 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film was originally released under the title "The Bad Penny." The visual and music during the opening credits hinted that the film would be grindhouse style.

Jack (Casey T. Evans) known as "The Ripper" owns a bar in Bangkok. He is a former boxer from St. Louis. He is visited by a fan Marcus (Nick Faltas) who is congenial in spite of the fact he lost money betting on Jack. As it turned out, Jack was supposed to take a dive in the fifth round, but that never happened. It was a "sure thing" as Marcus bet everything he had, including his double wide on it. Tom Arnold has an early role as a bookie.

After the double cross, Jack goes on the lam to Bangkok where he is manipulated with drugs and women. The movie has some theme about choices and if we really have them. Jack makes decisions with a coin toss. The movie seemed like your average grindhouse fare. It wasn't remarkable yet at you didn't get bored.

F-bombs, sex, nudity, blood, violence, killing
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