Review of Bad Boys II

Bad Boys II (2003)
Over the top, over long yet entertaining
10 April 2018
Bad Boys 2 is the followup to the hit Michael Bay film Bad Boys released in 1995. Released eight years later after the original, Bad Boys 2 returns both leads Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as this film sees more fresh, louder, longer and offers several more explosions, car cases, and over the top violence.The plot has been done before many times but the style of the film is quite entertainment in watching at certain points.

The acting from both leads feels more authentic and less annoying this time around compared to the sequel. The same back and forth is continued but the dialogue does feel more refreshing. Overall, critics have panned this film as it seems many of them took the film too serious. In comparison to the audiences ratings, Bad Boys 2 appears to have delivered in what was intended. Recommend the film in trying not to take it overly serious and enjoy the action.
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