Review of Botoks

Botoks (2017)
A real disaster in already weak Polish movie industry
10 April 2018
I just can't imagine how this movie was being so popular in our cinemas (yeah I'm Polish), this is by all means real trash. Let's get some basics straight out:
  • the movie states it is inspired by true story - yeah the same can be said for ZOMBIE SS as it is based on real nazis and world war II..
  • drinking and corrupt doctors? - yeah there are some bad apples, just like everywhere. You got dirty cops, arsonists firemen etc but the way movie portraits everyone in the capital city of Poland.. it looks like all the doctors there are drunk, rapists, killers, lack morality and messup just every frickin time and doesn't care.
  • this movie shows how abortions work - OMFG...people writing reviews saying how this movie is showing the "reality of sad medicine" SHUT THE EF UP..I can imagine ppl that enjoy this kind of movie in cinema are way below certain amount of IQ but please stop spilling the crap. The way doctors and medical staff act in the movie, the way they talk to patients, things they do; this is all just a parody of how it could be. But still, dumb ppl think this is all true and this is how it works. Not to mention how much medically inaccurate the movie is, there is just ton of crap they say and explain but nothing holds true.
  • this movie shows how bad child delivery works - again, just like with abortions above. Yeah sometime when you give birth it can get messy, it can get complicated, babies die or get 'damaged' but those are considered mistakes and overall the process is rather professional. What we get in the movie? a doctor comes in and starts pulling baby by head so hard that the whole bed with woman starts to move around the room:D
  • the movie touches on a 'touchy' and difficult topic - YES, THIS IS THE ONLY THING THIS MOVIE DOES NOT MESS UP. Doesn't matter what is your opinion on the topic of abortion, IVF and all things around those; the topic is still hot in Poland and questions morality, religion and own beliefs. The movie is basically about 4 women that all work in medical business (either doctors, paramedics, pharma) and their lifes' dilemas 3 of them have something to do with pregnancy/abortion so this is kinda a big focus of the movie. I'm not saying this movie is doing this right, I don't say the movie is right or wrong. That is because the movie itself doesn't state a specific opinion about that topic. It just shows it and let you think for yourself. HOWEVER I think that the way movie presents the topic and characters is neither helping the discussion nor giving any specific angle towards it. IT IS JUST SO BAD...

And the main issue with the movie: Technically it's terrible. Acting from most of the actors is pure gold rare#1 blue ribbon crap. Yeah they are some decent and popular famous actors and they are OK in here. But mostly the film is filled with characters that are played by terrible actors and it just shows so much. Secondly the writing and overall story. It's boring to hell, dialouges are terribly written, not engaging, you don't care for the characters at all. You just want the movie/story to end, and when it does end nothing happens. No big finale, no moral lesson learned, it just stops at a certain point in time and lives of the characters and you absolutely doesn't care for anybody in the movie. The movie is also filled with tons of "comic relief" and sitcom scenes. They can be considered funny, but not funny funny. Rather "borat funny" and i assume nobody is expecting that from a movie that tries to pose as a legit story with tough topics. Although these parts of the film keep you stuck to the screen as they generate a real cringefest, you still can't forget how much crap the movie is.
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