Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
You'll never get the time you spent watching this movie back.
12 April 2018
There is no way to really articulate the exact place where this movie went wrong, other than to say that it did.

It lacks the redeeming qualities of some of Blumhouse's other outings: it isn't as charming as Happy Death Day was; it's not a socially aware as Get Out or the Purge franchise; it doesn't have unique techniques the original Paranormal Activity or Unfriended did. While most of those movies have things that are wrong with them (as most movies do), they also had something that made them worth watching. After struggling to find its footing, Truth or Dare had little to nothing redeeming about it. What you're left with is a largely unsatisfying narrative with skewed (and uncharacteristic) character motivations culminating in a fairly predictable climax and then quickly falling from there to a conclusion that - while somewhat elver in its execution - made the film that much more frustrating.

In short: It feels a lot like any other teen slasher flick. They just put a different spin on things and then marketed the hell out of it.

If you're looking for something more than shallow and undeveloped characters finding an interesting way to get themselves into trouble that they can't manage to ever get out of played by B-list stars who couldn't find anything else to do after the end of their TV careers, you will be sorely disappointed. But if you're looking for strained diversity in a cast with zero emotional depth or chemistry, headed by two skinny white women - this is the movie for you. If you want petty relationship drama, alcohol abuse, bullying, scenes on a "college campus", the occasional promise of gore/blood/or anything that might actually be considered scary (followed by the subsequent disappointment in camera angels destined to keep the film PG-13), and jump scares - this movie is for you.

It really isn't for everyone, and while we can respect that there's an audience out there somewhere that might appreciate it for what it is, we know it could've been a lot better and feel justifiably disappointed that they didn't seem to try.

Featuring: Some weird facial contortions that undercut the film even further, if that was even possible.
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