Lost in Space (2018–2021)
You might disappointed!
17 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First the positives, a great musical score! The theme and incidental music are much like what you hear in a major motion picture. Very nice incorporation of the original John Williams theme! Now on to the actual show.

This should be considered "Fantasy" not Science Fiction. Many of the basic laws of physics are out the door for much of the series. But rather than pick apart these elements which are a bit distracting if you are even slightly educated, lets focus on the broader show content and the actors.

It is hard to know why much of the acting is just not that good unless the production was rushed and they were not concerned about the believability of the characters. Also, a major disappointing aspect of the entire series is the blatant "in-your-face" misandry and emasculation of any male character.

Maureen Robinson has become a ball busting overly domineering scientist and John is slammed at almost every opportunity. Don West is a smuggler and a thief and not a likeable character. Will Robinson is mostly a scared kid and not the genius as he was originally written. Worst of all is the character played by Parker Posey. No one could ever play Doctor Smith as well as Johnathan Harris (although the character homage of June Harris in this series was a nice gesture). So her character steals the identity of the real Doctor Smith (a nice cameo by Billy Mumy). This is now making Doctor Smith a female! This just shows more of the liberal Hollywood Social Justice Warrior (SJW's) narrative. Her character is not just despicable, but evil on a sociopathic level. Johnathan Harris was a bad guy but at least likeable!

The individual episodes contain action and good special effects but that is about it. The plot line is pretty predictable and a setup at the series end clearly shows an intent for more episodes. I grew up watching the original series in the 1960's and looking back we can all agree some of it was just plain silly. Aliens with painted faces and fake fur were all that was available then. However, the actors did know how to act! Perhaps that is why I was truly scared by some of those episodes as a kid. It was not the silly aliens but the believing the actors really were terrified. In this current incarnation of LiS, the acting does not measure up.

Bottom line, it is an investment of 10 hours of your life and yes I watched every episode. I had high hopes up to the end. I tried to have an open mind for every episode. If you are not bothered by the scientific inaccuracies, poor acting and the misandrist agenda, you will probably enjoy this show. If any of those things are important to you in a program, you may want to skip the series altogether. You cannot compare this show to the original (or the failed movie). But if you are expecting elements of the original characters and concepts, you are probably in for a disappointment.
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