Great expose' of this Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO). (My opinion)
12 June 2018
If you ever wondered what goes on in Scientology, this series speaks for me. As an ex-Scientologist, I experienced and/or witnessed much of what is discussed.

I hope that the courts can be convinced to strike down Scientology's tax exempt status. This is not a church. It is an insidious cult that brain washes its participants into believing they are serving the greatest good. The COS ("Church" of Scientology) profits off their adherents' slave labor to bring in new fish and by using heavy handed means to keep the ones they have.

Its FAIR GAME POLICY, that says their purported ends justifies ANY means, is as active now as before the COS started claiming it was rescinded for the sake of PR. It justifies committing any harm in the name of "saving the planet". Give me a break. Scientologists can't even save a dime to pay rent or food or health care. This may sound like hyperbole, but it's not.

You might think, "as long as its practices stay within its walls and don't effect me, then live and let live." But it doesn't. With its tax free dollars, it gobbles up real estate in your community where tax paying businesses might otherwise be located. The loss of tax revenues allows it to escape contributing to public services, think libraries, schools, roads, etc., in the cities where it operates.

Even if it doesn't operate in your community, The loss of its federal taxes means you pay more to support federally funded social programs, national defense, and everything else employed to keep our country running. Taxpayers like you and me have to shoulder that short-fall.

Scientology poses as a church while operating as an organized crime outfit using extortion, fraud, human trafficking, kidnapping, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and physical abuse. Hopefully, the RICO ACT can be employed to put an end to this ruthless and unethical regime that is covertly contemptuous of the communities and countries in which it operates.

My opinion is based on my first-hand experience and that of dozens of other Scientologists I have known.
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