12 July 2018
Charmed really is the best word to describe my feelings about The Time Travelers Wife. This film was just so enjoyable to me, it zipped by, felt like no time had gone by because of how engaged I was. Wasn't that the perfect way to describe the pacing for this particular film lol. I am not familiar with the source material this is based off of, so I can't speak to how audiences who have read the novel will feel about it, but I personally really enjoyed this. I think a lot of the film's strength comes from the two lead actors. Rachel Mcadams and Eric Bana are both so great here, and I love them as a couple, I think they have great chemistry. I like them better together than I like her and Gosling, that's how much I really loved them as a couple. The film builds the depth and emotion necessary for the third act, it invests you in these characters. The key to a film like this is to do a good job with investing us in these people and their lives, or else it just becomes crazy empty time travel film. The time travel aspect of the film is handled well and I think they do it in a way to where it doesn't become choppy. I really don't know why this film got so many negative reviews, I loved it and think they did a great job. 9/10.
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