Very impressed!
17 July 2018
I didn't think I was going to like this film going into it. I was kinda weary of it because I really didn't care for Rob Zombie's Halloween remake. I'm very pleased to say that I was surprised by how much I really liked this film. It's genuinely terrifying and it uses classic horror tactics that work. There's a lot of originality too, and I love that in this genre because so many horror films, especially nowadays can be so cheesy and stereotypical. I wasn't bored ever while watching this, I just became more interested because of it's originality. The actors all did a really great job, I was impressed especially by the actors playing the killer family. The third act of this film is really great and it's one of the best third acts of any horror film I've seen. I won't spoil anything because I want everyone to see it who hasn't already, but suffice to say that atmosphere has a big role in the third act. Atmosphere actually has a big role in the whole film, they did a really good job creating a creepy atmosphere that works. If you want a horror film with some originality, give this one a try, Rob Zombie did a great job.
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