Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Pegasus (1994)
Season 7, Episode 12
17 August 2018
A previous reviewer named "anoldblackmarble" absolutely nailed it. Especially during this season the captain does fake outrage then throws away his convictions when it suits him.

This episode has such an intriguing and engaging backstory that I was leaning toward rating it positively despite my misgivings about the captain and the crew's hypocrisy. But just as I was nearing the completion of the "Lower Decks," WHICH IS JUST A FEW SHOWS AFTER THIS ONE, I noticed that almost immediately after Riker notifies Picard, "launching a probe in a Cardassian space would be a treaty violation," he ORDERS WORF TO LAUNCH A PROBE. WTF?!?! So he wants to pontificate about the RIGHTEOUSNESS of such things only when he has personal misgivings about someone?

Frankly, it just makes the captain and even this entire series seem a bit ridiculous. Sorry.
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