Documentary would've served this story far better
23 August 2018
The real story behind The Miracle Season was made for the silver screen, but as result this film becomes mediocre melodrama that brings nothing new to the conversation while, at the same time, offering a slow paced story full of cliches and rushed character development. Helen Hunt's (as Coach) divorce wasn't addressed beyond introductory scene. William Hurt (as dr. Ernie's) loss of spirituality is dealt short shrift. The romance between Erin Moriarty (as Kelley) and handsome new neighbor doesn't amount to much. It's actually distracting how misguided a "love" interest is here, since the focus should be on Line's grief-stricken inner circle. Worse, the sense of this community coming together, treating the volleyball games as a safe space to grieve and support each other is noticeably lacking. The matches are far from exciting and narrowly add up to this "sports" movie. Towards the end, the film does get repetitive. Sadly, The Miracle Season lacks the depth and while the team might be rooting for "Line", then, maybe you will not for this movie, no mater how real story sad is. Too much missed opportunities here. 4-/10
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