Decent for What It Is
29 August 2018
Alien Zone (1978)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A married man (John Ericson) is having an affair with a married woman. After a night a sex, the man returns to his hotel but the taxi lets him off at the wrong place. To get out of the rain, he seeks shelter inside a house, which turns out to be a morgue. The Mortician (Ivor Francis) takes him to where the coffins are and tells the stories of the bodies inside.

ALIEN ZONE, also known as HOUSE OF THE DEAD, is an anthology film that is decent entertainment as long as you don't go into it expecting something like DR. TERROR'S HOUSE OF HORRORS or TALES FROM THE CRYPT. In other words, this is a low-budget movie that is mildly entertaining for what it is but there's no question that it falls well short of being a classic film.

Basically you've got the wrap-around story as well as four other stories. The first one deals with a school teacher who hates children and returns to her home and notices something is in there with her. This first story was good and the conclusion was nice as well. The second story deals with a serial killer who has a camera set up in his apartment to catch all of his action. This one here pretty much goes nowhere and ends out of nowhere with nothing much happening. The third film has a master detective trying to teach someone else how to solve crimes. The fourth and final entry has a man being tortured into drinking.

Again, none of the four stories are great but each of them are entertaining enough to keep the viewer interesting in what's going on. The film clocks in at just 80-minutes so there's really not too much time spent with any of the stories. The longest is the third one with the detective and it's actually the weakest as it's pretty predictable. I'd argue that all of the stories are predictable but for a "B" type of movie everything is decent enough.

ALIEN ZONE isn't a masterpiece and it's certainly flawed at times but as long as you're just looking for some cheap entertainment there's some to be found here.
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