Fun Film from Downey
5 September 2018
No More Excuses (1968)

*** (out of 4)

If you're familiar with the work of underground filmmaker Robert Downey, Sr. then you know that plots really aren't a major part of any of his films. This one here is the same as we've got all sorts of things going on. On one hand, this is a documentary that takes a look at singles in New York City. Also happening is a Civil War soldier is in the middle of a battle, walks off and finds himself in current day NYC. We've also got a re-enactment of a Presidential assassination.

NO MORE EXCUSES is a film that I really enjoyed because everything going on just seemed to gel together and in the end I thought the film was very much entertaining and fun. As I said, the plot is all over the place and there's nothing really holding the various stories together yet Downey makes them flow together perfectly and we end up with a fun picture.

The highlight for me had to be the scenes dealing with the Civil War soldier in New York City. Not only do we get some terrific footage of the city from this era but it's rather funny seeing people react to him. This includes a sequence on a subway train. Just check out the elderly woman who is looking at the soldier like he's nuts. You've also got a scene where the soldier gets on the field during a Yankees game!

If you're a fan of Downey's work then I think you'll find this to be entertaining. It clocks in under a hour so it never overstays its welcome and for the most part it is a fascinating look at singles as well as other items that can't be explained.
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