Soon settles into its own pace to provide a methodical and captivating character-driven experience.
8 September 2018
'Long Way North (2015)' is certainly not devoid of problems, with perhaps the biggest being it's jarringly choppy - if delightfully simple - animation style that runs at a generous twelve frames per second and takes a long time to get used to despite looking pretty gorgeous in a cut-out kind of way once you do - or if you pause the piece at any point. A close second is it's really poor English dub (though I haven't heard the French original so I can't compare) that sees everyone other than the lead and a couple of others turn in performances as wooden as the hull of the ship most of the movie takes place on. After a slow start, however, the picture settles into its own pace to provide a methodical and captivating character-driven experience that doesn't quite stick the landing (finishing before a proper finale ever really occurs) but gets you essentially as invested as possible and delivers an inevitable emotional punch instead. Ultimately, it's an enjoyable and interesting watch throughout its duration that should work its charms on even the iciest of hearts. 7/10
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