Review of Inshallah

Jack Ryan: Inshallah (2018)
Season 1, Episode 8
An Incomplete, Haphazard Final Episode
17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The final episode leaves much to be desired for what should have been a tidy ending that wraps up all the strands of an eight-part series. The main problem was in the scripting.

At the start of the program, Jack reveals to Dr. Cathy the source of his nightmares and troubled sleep that have haunted him for years. When in the Marines, Jack befriended a young orphan in Korengol Valley, Afghanistan. But when Jack brought the boy onto the helicopter to start a new life, the child exploded a grenade that brought down the chopper and cost civilian lives. Jack never forgave himself for his misjudgment.

In an airport in Leesburg, Virginia, Suleiman and his son Samir arrive on the premise that the kid needs a liver transplant. He easily passes through the customs checkpoint. We also return to the warehouse at the Port of Baltimore where a dock worker is infected by the powder of cesium that figures in the dastardly plot of Suleiman.

The Ebola scare turns out to be a distraction for Suleiman's main goal is to take out President Pickett through the noxious cesium powder released through the ducts and ventilation system of Memorial Hospital where the doctors witout borders and the president have been quarantined for a twenty-one-day period.

One of Suleiman's minions plants a bomb in a backpack in Turo's Pizza in Georgetown. The ambulances from Memorial will be the distraction Suleiman and his men need to enter the hospital and get the powder capsules in place that will be detonated by Suleiman himself.

It is at this point in the program, that the screenplay falls apart.

Jack engages in a long chase through the metro to finally shoot Suleiman before he can trigger the release of the lethal powder at the hospital. Little Samir is reunited with his mother and sisters at the safe house in Annandale. One of the last of Suleiman's associates, the man who planted the bomb at Turo's Pizza, is tracked down and killed by a CIA agent in Essaguira, Morocco. This was a sluggish and by-the-numbers ending, and it leaves too many issues unresolved.

First, Victor becomes a loose end in the film after his conscience was eased by delivering a bundle of cash to the family of the victim of his drone strike. There is no mention of Victor in the final episode. Moreover, there is no final scene that leaves the viewer with a sense of closure on the future of Jack and Dr. Cathy as a couple. The denouement focused on Greer's promotion to the CIA's bureau in Moscow. Jack is offered Greer's old job as head of T-FAD, which for Greer was a demotion. Will Jack take the job? In the closing moments, he receives a note from Greer inviting him to join him in Moscow. It is not even clear whether Jack will remain in Langley or go to Russia. This was a mediocre wrap-up to the series that opened the door to a second season without providing the viewers of this season with a decent ending.
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