Beachhead (1954)
Trapped on Bougainville Island
18 September 2018
My main reason for seeing 'Beachhead' was for Tony Curtis, as part of my project of seeing many films of his as possible when many of his films appeared as recommendations here. It has been a worthwhile and interesting project on the whole, some not so good films but also a good deal of decent-great ones.

Despite not being the best of actors in a way, Curtis was always immensely watchable and a very likeable presence in even his weakest films. Some of his early films didn't always see him look completely comfortable and there are settings of some films and some of his roles where suspension of disbelief is needed, but he had charm, charisma, very nice comic timing and when his acting chops were stretched in more dramatic and at times darker roles he surprisingly came over very well.

'Beachhead' is an interesting film. Not a great one and there are issues, but a nice way to pass the time and an inoffensive watch.

Starting with the good things, 'Beachhead' looks pleasing enough mostly. The setting is attractive and has atmosphere and the photography doesn't look cheap. The music fits well, not being intrusive, too low-key or tonally jarring, and is a pleasantly orchestrated and atmospheric score in its own right.

There is tension and excitement in the storytelling, there are very few dull stretches. The direction does the job more than adequately, not always inspired but everything is correct, and the action is riveting and well choreographed. Curtis, in one of his more relaxed and grittier early roles, and especially Frank Lovejoy, coming very close to stealing the film, fare very well in their roles.

It is a shame that the rest of the cast are not very distinguished, most being very forgettable, and Mary Murphy is very bland as an underwritten character that easily could have not been included and nobody would notice, her only purpose being to serve as the obligatory love interest. The romance doesn't really sparkle or move all that much, not that much to it and it didn't serve much point.

A few silly parts that don't ring true, while one does cringe at the hokey dialogue and the under-budgeted effects that undermine the impact of the climax. The characters don't have an awful lot to them.

In summary, passes the time just about though not a must watch. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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