Review of Qpid

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Qpid (1991)
Season 4, Episode 20
The two most capricious beings he knows
13 November 2018
When you examine this particular TNG episode you realize at times how silly some of the stories can be. But a chance to see John DeLancie as Q and Jennifer Hetrick as Vash is never to be passed up.

No doubt about it Vash and Q are two of the most capricious beings that Captain Picard knows in the Universe. As Vash makes it a no bones fact that she's out for herself first and foremost she and Patrick Stewart can never really get together.

But Q decides to test that relationship by putting them into a Robin Hood fantasy from old earth legends along with the rest of the Enterprise regulars with Vash as Maid Marian. As she's not from the earth Hetrick is slow on the uptake. And chivalry really isn't something she values.

Nevertheless this is Q's attempt to test Picard's romantic inclinations and it doesn't quite go as expected.

Clive Revill is Sir Guy of Gisborne in this amusing story.
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