Review of Lisa

Lisa (1962)
An unwanted guest
13 November 2018
Dolores Hart heads a cast of mostly British players in The Inspector, a film about a Dutch Jewish refugee determined to get to Palestine. Her's is a tightly controlled performance of a woman for whom every kind of emotion has been drained out of her. But she wants more than life itself to live in a Jewish homeland, a place where she doesn't feel like an unwanted guest.

Stephen Boyd plays a Dutch police inspector who covers up the fact that she killed a white slaver looking to pimp out her sexual services. Boyd and Hart are kept under a loose surveillance by British intelligence as many try to help them in their quest.

As we know the politics of oil kept the British who occupied Palestine tilting toward the Arabs. But for many, humanity dictated otherwise.

A nice cast was put together in support of Boyd and Hart and standing out are Leo McKern as a gruff Dutch barge captain, Donald Pleasence as a surveilling policeman and Hugh Griffith as a gunrunner.

For the leads this is some of the best work they do in their interrupted careers, Boyd by an early death and Hart by retiring from acting to go into a convent where she still is a mother/prioress.

Exodus was an epic tale of the founding of Israel. The Inspector reduces the story to an inspiring singularity.
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