Great fun! An awesome watch!
19 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best, and funniest movies I saw in a long time. I do have to say that the small band of heroes fighting off aliens type of film is definitely nothing new, but it does get some new vigor in this action horror comedy.

I guess I will start with the acting. The dubbing is bad, but the voice over artists for the English track I watched was quite decent. They seem to be able to fit with the characters emotions and the body acting worked well with it.

The effects from the blood and guts to the kung fu artistry is genuine awesomeness. Everything seemed to have been carefully planned out with this film.

The only complaint I had, and that eventually became less thought the more I watched the film was the aliens appearance. They weren't scary looking or seemed interrogating at first glance. They actually looked like bipedal mutant dolphins. They were actually adorable. I guess it fits with the film being a comedy horror. But man were they quick and ferocious.

There was even a scene where a ninja and an alien were fighting one on one and the alien decided to stop fighting tooth and claw and instead picked up a sword and a semi automatic handgun and fight with those, all the whole grinning this smug grin with the self awareness that a mutant dolphin alien fighting a ninja with swords and guns is ridiculous. This movie is very self aware and calls itself out on its ridiculousness, but in the end everything about the film is just a fun good watch with genuine humor. Older kids and teens would like it, but the blood effects can be a bit muchfor young children.
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