Is John Loder the Gorilla Man?
30 November 2018
Between the title, the fog-shrouded opening shots, and the medical men talking about being less squeamish with their experimental subjects, I expected this to be a horror movie. It was not long, however, before nurse Mary Field called one of the doctors "Herr" and their posh English accents switched to German ones, that I had my doubts. Then a wounded John Loder staggers into their hospital,straight from a commando operation. They tend to his wounds, but he insists on speaking only to General Lumsden Hare. So the German spies decide to wreck Loder's credibility by having John Abbott, looking ridiculous in coke-bottle spectacles, strangling people and pinning the crimes on Loder.

Put that way, it seems a roundabout method of dealing with the situation. Were I one of the spies, I would suggest killing Loder before he can make his report, and then blaming his wounds. That movie, however, would be either very short or very different. As it is, this B movie runs at such a high speed that there is little time to consider such matters. Ross Lederman knew how to crank them out fast, and Warner's cast of supporting character actors, rush this one through in a snappy 64 minutes.
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