Plain Stupid
3 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's a 90 and something minutes long movie about a stupid guy chasing a stupid histeric teenager. All the characters make stupid decisions in all situations. Not just stupid, but unrealistic stupid. I refuse to accept that somewhere there is a living being who would do anything this movie shows. A tired guy (with a cheating and over dramatic wife on the phone) decides to take the road anyways to get back home in time for his daughter's birthday. He hits two girls. One of which is badly injured and dies on the car. The other is an over reacting histeric teenager that thinks resuscitation is killing. She is like The Flash: runs like hell without getting tired. She also complains a lot, about just everything, just because. There is a scene in which she is in the front seat and her badly injured friend is laid down on the back seat. She doesn't even take a look, talks to her or show any sign of being worried. Then the friend dies and suddenly she is screaming her friend's name and naming the driver a murderer. Have I said stupid? You go through it just hoping the guy kills that chick already so she can stop screaming. Oh, and the movie tries to sound smart having a Nietzsche reference or something. Summary: bad acting, stupid plot, zero character development (unless you think getting dumber is a development), unrealistic and unreasonable decision making. Plain stupid.
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