The Orville: Primal Urges (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
It's bad but not for the reasons these many "offended" reviewers claim.
6 January 2019
Yikes, a lot of weirdly conservative button-up reviews of this episode. I cant believe how many people are offended by an ostensibly Male on Male relationship, albeit weirdly kinky? In a wacky scifi show? What the hell is wrong with people? These are, I worry, the same type of folk who call everyone a snowflake at the first opportunity. I lament their increased public presence these days.

That being said, this episode sucked. Not because it "pushed the liberal agenda." It was just a bad episode, regardless of any inferred political position, no matter how misguided.

I really hope episode 3 is a return to form!
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