The Orville: Primal Urges (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
Get over being prudish, and see how well written this episode is
6 January 2019
So yes, Orville has regular alcohol drinking and sex. Not barely mentioned, off-camera sex, but actual sex. Don't be so superficial religious that your are scared away by that.

Now let's see what happens in the episode. Yes, I could use too some more characters to focus on, but at least the Bortus' relationship went somewhere. It started to be a snooze that despite everything they still quarelled constantly. Yes, B had porn addiction as manifestation of a relationship-problem. Yes, we all know what the problem was, but was that inherent to the current problem? No. It could have been anything. It's not propaganda when it does not touch what you hate by sheer religious dogma. Their relationship was the point.

Now, was the other plot a good StarTrek plot? Yes it was. Was it a bit rushed? I could use more alien-planet-visiting adventure part in the series instead of always being on the ship, but maybe that's a budget-issue. Or not, I'm not tired of the series yet, so keep it on. I like there's no constant mega threat though, just to mention. Even the lizard-people are kept under check. Oh, the visuals were absolutely beautiful by the way.

Now, did the two plot use each other? Yes, and that deserves praising the good writing. B's behaviour was like the cvilisation underground. Not knowing better B also went under the radar. Both instances it was just waiting for the situation blowing in their faces. It is called parallel, and it is good storytelling.

PS: I heared Alara is leaving. It's said, Halston is a talented actress. But as she is good, she likely got other project(s), and her character sadly got used up as far as I can see. Wishing her luck.
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