Fast Getaway (1991 Video)
Call Them Hooters, Dad!
17 January 2019
I honestly had not heard about this movie before. I actually found it while doing laundry on the free stuff shelf they leave down in the room after people move out. There as also four copies of Titanic on VHS and a tape of Eddie Murphy's Delirious. In case you were wondering. With all that choice how could I pass up a promotional copy of a Corey Haim movie I have never heard of...which also stars Cynthia Rothrock...weird.

The movie is about a weirdly overly enthusiastic kid and his dad who are a bank robbing team. They drive from town to town and rob banks and the post office, getting away using plans that are meticulously thought out to the last detail. They also talk about Cynthia Rothrock's chest a lot, or as Mr. Haim says "Call Them Hooters, Dad." In fact, the father-son relationship seems like it is really close. The main topic they talk about that isn't robbing banks, is boobs, and sex with ladies. Some hi-jinks they go through include Haim getting distracted by ladies, talking about ladies boobs, as well as having sex once, which he breaks his dad out of jail just so he can tell him. There are some really great car chases though, including a super fun one at the very end. Also, Cynthia Rothrock kicks everything including furniture and fast food. So, it's not all bad.

Fast Getaway is alright. It has a few fun moments, that mostly include some well-directed car chases. But, I wasn't too into the father-son sex talk plot line which took up most of the movie.
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