Cute and fun.
29 January 2019
Gail Russell and Diana Lynn played Cornelia and Emily...two young ladies who were touring Europe and getting into trouble in "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay". Now, in "Our Hearts Were Growing Up", they have further adventures much closer to home.

Cornelia and Emily are going to meet their sweethearts at the big Princeton-Harvard football game. But when the boyfriends cannot make it to escort them on the trainride, Emily has a brilliant idea. She knows they won't be allowed to travel without an escort (after al, this is the 1920s) and so she randomly picks a guy and tells everyone he is her Uncle!! The guy (Brian Donlevy) actually turns out to be a bootlegger...and many complications and silly situations ensue.

This film is good old fashioned innocent fun. The actresses are most enjoyable and the script satisfying. A nice time-passer...and a good followup to the previous picture.
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