Not The Normal Possession Film
7 February 2019
Michael King is a man struggling to cope with the death of his wife. He comes across as an atheist or agnostic. Atheists have faith in one thing more than anything else, when you die, that's it. There is no afterlife, no need for prayer or the practicing of religious rituals. All that is the stuff of fairy tales. Things we have come up with to help us cope with death and the stresses of day to day life. Agnostics are a bit different in that they open to the idea that something might be out there but no one knows what it is and all the religions in the world attest to that. Therefore the practicing of religion is pointless. (This is my understanding of these ideals and if I have misspoken, please forgive me. I'm in no way trying to be disrespectful towards anyone or their beliefs.) Between the two, I would say that Michael is an atheist.

Michael is a man who is extremely agitated with all forms spirituality and he has taken the position that it is directly associated to his wife's death. He has decided to expose the fraudulence in the practices of religion and spirituality by recording himself performing the most powerful and dark rituals. He is smug, arrogant and condescending in his approach but before long things start to go bad and he becomes a threat to his young daughter who he has vowed to protect.

At least for me, this is a different approach. Most possession films fall into one of two distinct categories. One being a random possession of someone innocent and the other being an accidental possession of someone naively playing around with dark rituals, seances or ouija boards, things of that nature. Having someone knowingly beg for possession or proof in this manner is a fresh take for me and I like that.

I thought the story was interesting and for the most part, it was scripted and acted well. The special effects and CGI stuff was just okay for me. I thought they were a bit over done in a way that took away from a more realistic and frightening look. This was much more personal look into a possession experience and I liked that.

This doesn't rise to the levels of being as good as films like The Exorcist or The Exorcism of Emily Rose but this is a lower budgeted film. For lower budget, I thought this was a decent movie. If you like possession horror check this out. Just keep in mind that it's not big budget or top notch and simply enjoy it for what it is.
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