Laddaland (2011)
Ladda Land: And it started so promisingly...
12 February 2019
I love Thailand, I like Thai food (Provided it's not too spicy) and I love Thai culture. Sadly I really don't seem to like the Thai movie industry. Being the big nerd that I am I looked into it and I've seen 13 Thai films and the highest they go is 5/10. Being even more of a nerd I can confirm the average rating is an astounding 3.0.

Ladda Land tells the story of a family who movies to essentially the Thailand equivalent of the suburbs. Before they know it odd occurrences begin to take place leading certain members of the family to believe that the village might be haunted.

From the start I was fairly interested, it was developing nicely enough for about the first half of the film but then it gradually deteriorates. It's not only that the plot begins to fall apart but the characters being severely and unforgivably unlikable. The husband especially thanks to one needless scene, the mother (Again one scene especially) and the stroppy teenage daughter. If I can't care about the characters then why should I care about what happens to them? It's simply bad writing.

I like some of the ideas presented here, I like the cover art, I like the ghost sfx and for the most part I liked the first half of the film. Sadly everything that happens after that point took everything I enjoyed beat it down and nailed it with a steel chair shot to the head repeatedly.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda been better.

The Good:

First half is interesting

Practical sfx are decent

The Bad:

Awful characters

Second half falls apart badly
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