Love at First Glance (2017 TV Movie)
Wow. Just wow.
20 February 2019
Let's start with the positives. It's always nice to see actors I enjoyed from the 90s in starring roles again. Adrian Grenier is very pretty, and Amy Smart doesn't annoy me. The dog is ADORABLE.

Now. What did I just watch? This was terrible from start to finish. Let's start with whiny Mary, whining that her bland boring boyfriend of five years dumped her for not being adventurous enough. Then on the train home after getting dumped, she makes eye contact with James and they share a cute moment. He gets off, she notices he left his phone on the seat. She gets home and with her good-looking male friend with whom she apparently just has a platonic relationship, decides to stalk the owner. Somehow this turns into a story for Mary the Reporter to go after, and she spends the rest of the film harassing all contacts in his phone to learn more about the mysterious stranger. James Fielding is Jesus come to life as he seemed to inspire anyone and everyone he ever walked by. Also, she changes her life completely in a week and they fall in love through a series of uninformative texts.

My thoughts throughout the movie:

  • Can Mary change the pitch of her voice to get any more whiny? I doubt it.
  • Wow, Carl really isn't a good actor.
  • Wow, Adrian Grenier is gorgeous. Look at those eyes!
  • Aww, that's kind of cute. Bonding over messy eating. This could happen to me.
  • Ooh. Now I'm hungry. I want food. I'll pause it really quickly.
  • Girl. What are you doing? You don't go through his phone!
  • Dude. What are you doing? She could be some psycho who will kill everyone you know now that she has their phone numbers!
  • Ooh, I like the tang- WTF flashback holy crap this is terrible.
  • Carl is still boring and a bad actor.
  • Ooh, scrambled eggs. I want food. BRB.

I would go on, but I got distracted by the number of times I stopped the movie to see how much longer I had left. The ending is unbelievable and cringeworthy. To be fair, the entire movie is unbelievable and cringeworthy. I love Hallmark flicks and will watch them all, no matter how corny. I've never been inspired to write a review on one I don't enjoy until now. It was just that bad.
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