Fan-O-Rama (2016)
Not worse than the original
22 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Fan-O-Rama" is a 2016 fan project by director and writer Dan Lanigan that of course is a little parody of the successful long-running animated television show Futurama and with that reference you already have the key challenge for Lanigan here. Turn an animated project into a live action release. Really challenging. But I think they did fine for sure on terms of make-up, costumes and sets I would say. Also the actors, especially with their voices, made a formidable job. The only reason I am probably not giving this an even higher rating is because I am not really too big on Futurama as I am on other long-running animated show, especially South Park. But if you love Futurama, then you will probably enjoy the hell out of this one. The comedy is also very similar and honestly, this could have been plot and idea of an actual Futurama episode. Not a lot was missing. On the contrary, it is too much perhaps even with all the most known characters being included here. Well, except Granny perhaps. But Brannigan, the talking head of Richard Nixon, and many others were really fine. And if you think Leela looked somewhat wrong, I would disagree. I think it is our mind playing with us because honestly how can we see and appreciate the looks of a one-eyed woman. By the way this one here runs for over 20 minutes as well, pretty much the exact running time of a television episode from the show. However, with another reference they included Hypnotoad for roughly 10 minutes at the end. Oh my. I must admit I have never liked the toad or seen anything funny or entertaining in him. Nothing happens. No matter how much you try to explain the comedic approach behind that, still nothing happens. But I know many Futurama fans will disagree. Hypnotoad is some kind of icon for them, so I assume they will appreciate his presence here too. In short: Unless Futurama is not your thing at all, go check out this fan project. I found the outcome pretty impressive at times, especially visually. This really deserves to be included as an add-on on a Futurama DVD/BluRay (collection).
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