Love at First Dance (2018 TV Movie)
Meh At First Dance
27 February 2019
Let me start by saying this had all the elements to make my perfect romantic flick. Dancing and two actors I've always liked in the past. I fell in love with Niall Matter in every other Hallmark film I've seen him in, and Becca Tobin was always wonderful as Kitty on Glee. Together, they fell flat. Zero chemistry (a description all too commonly thrown around, but true in this case) between them, as I couldn't tell if they were supposed to be falling in love or if this was going to be a story about two people helping each other discover their true calling in life.

The acting wasn't great, though the script was decent. Tobin reminded me too much of a past-her-prime actress loaded up with Botox trying to relive her youth by accepting a role of a character she wasn't comfortable with. Her face never changed expressions. Happy, sad, angry, irritated; it all looked like boredom. Her performance was wooden, her body language tense and stiff as a board. Matter is a very charming actor who never disappoints as a character everyone can fall in love with. He looked completely ill-at-ease in this one. He looked less like an investment broker, more like a used car salesman.

Bottom line, nothing about this worked, though it started with potential. Give this a try if there is nothing else on, but I wouldn't give this a rewatch.
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