Fun alien; dull action.
4 March 2019
Low budget B-movie sci-fi The Atomic Submarine stars Arthur Franz as Lt. Cmdr. Richard 'Reef' Holloway, whose shore leave is cancelled when he is called for duty on board the submarine Tiger Shark, which is heading to the Arctic on a mission to find out the cause for a series of attacks on subs and ships. Arriving at their destination, the crew encounter a UFO - an underwater flying object - piloted by a one-eyed, tentacled alien whose race intends to colonise the Earth.

A little too talky and a lot too cheap (the special effects are of the 'plastic model in a bath-tub' variety), The Atomic Submarine takes an age to get to its main attraction, the amusing cyclops extraterrestrial that bears more than a passing similarity to Kang and Kodos from The Simpsons. The uppity alien thrashes its tentacles and, when super miffed, uses powerful rays to melt crew members of the Tiger Shark; it also regenerates its eye when Holloway shoots it in the 'face'. It's one of two highlights in an otherwise forgettable programme filler, the other being a brief turn from sexy platinum blonde bombshell Joi Lansing as Holloway's love interest Julie.
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