For newcomers it will be kinda confusing for the first hour
15 March 2019
In the end this anime has what a great anime should have, bloody over the top violence, comedic scenes, amazing soundtrack, great animation, sex, and a very intriguing story.

This is a second part of a three part film, and it does bring up more questions than answers. Despite this, I believe you will enjoy the action scene (unfortunately there i only one action scene in this movie and it takes place in the middle, although it is a good 15 minutes of nothing but fighting), the soundtrack by Aimer is good, the voice work is good (although there is a little bit too much high pitch screaming and yelling), and it has a cool final 15 minutes.

The fighting is ok but there are too many explosions, making it hard to see what is happening. A typical fight scene is like this, a person hits someone, there is a slight pause, then the other person flies off into the distance while there are colors and lights everywhere. The person then flies back and hits the other person, and the same thing happens. I wish we could had seen more of the action instead of a light show.

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