Web of Fear (1964)
Better Than You May Think
16 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just had to write since there was only one other review posted of this film, and I am familiar with Clouzot's work, I found this film, "Constance aux enfers" (AKA: "Web of Fear") although possibly derivative of other films, an entirely powerful "tour de peur" on its own merits. Although it preys on a woman's feelings, I found it a little implausible at times, thinking, why is she allowing herself to get deeper implicated until you realize it is her story and you watch as she puts her self for certain in what she was led to believe. Michele Morgan is the woman, Dany Saval and Simon Audreu are really quite excellent as was the direction by Francois Villiers. Too often you read reviews posted that such and such is excellent, and then you buy into it and are disappointed how awful some well-reviewed films can be, but it is not often one finds something better than the drubbing it received. To write about the difference is what can evoke change. This film is in black and white and was originally released in 1964, although it may have been 1966 when it reached the U.S. Very good film with a woman's heart that is in all of us, who love women.
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