Dinosaurus! (1960)
So much fun, even a caveman would enjoy it!
18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, Mr. Scientist, leave those Dino corpses alone!

Especially with an electric storm in the forecast. Don't you realize that electricity, according to Frankenstein, is the way to revive the dead? Even the long dead, fully preserved corpses of the melting ice surrounding a friendly Brontosaurus and a deadly Tyrannosaurus?

For curious island kid Alan Roberts, that means he gets a big new pet in the friendly leaf eating Bronto, getting to rid him like a giant horsey, and a friendly grunting pal in caveman Gregg Martell who is easily scared by the make-up wearing old lady whose home he invades looking for food, ending up in her house dress when evil Fred Engelberg and his men storm in, determined to capture it in hopes of exploiting him. But scientist Ward Ramsey and partner Paul Langton are determined to at least stop the Tyrannosaurus from eating em' all up, and the Brontosaurus ends up being a hero, along with Martell who would have rather remained frozen and deep at the bottom of the Caribbean than in a new world he can't navigate in.

When first seen, they are busy blowing up what is hidden in the bottom of the bay when a boat approaches with Kristina Hanson inside causes then to stop. As typical in this type of science fiction adventure, it is the presence of a beautiful but unwanted female which creates instant danger, and they must stop what they are doing in order to rescue her from possible detonations going off. The rescue of Hanson has Ramsey and Langton locating the frozen dino's, and the explosion has also brought Martell's body to shore. When they call it a night, a tropical storm brings the three visitors from another time back to life, and creates a colorful adventure where the audience hopes for a quick and painful demise for the evil Langton and a happy ending for everybody else, including the happy brontosaurus and the confused caveman.

Fairly decent special effects for its time makes this a well made science fiction adventure where the cute kid (Roberts) steals every moment with his love of dinosaurs, although it is obvious that the young actor, attempting to speak with an accent, is not at all of Spanish origin. It's the stereotypical view of the child as the one with all of the courage, his only desire not to become a toothpick for the hungry tyrannosaurus who hasn't had a brontosaurus burger in over a millennium. Most of the adult characters are basic stereotypes of good and evil, with Martell grunting his way to a heartfelt performance as the caveman who obviously isn't all brute. Don't go in expecting "Jurassic Park" style effects or even Ray Harryhausen, but what is there is quite above average for a film of its type. For me, it's a delightful find that I will more than likely revisit sooner rather than later.
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