11-11-11 (2011)
8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Joseph Crone (Timothy Gibbs) is a famous author who writes thriller novels. He tragically loses his wife and child in a fire...one where we see the shadow of an angel in the background. Joseph takes medication and has joined a support group for emotional help. He continues to write in a journal. Joseph himself is almost killed in a car accident (on 11-8-11) but is miraculously spared. His watch is broken at 11:11.

Joseph gets a call from his brother in Barcelona. Dad only has a few more days to live. Joseph flies out on 11/9/11. He gets constant warnings of impending doom from creepy old people. His brother Samuel (Michael Landes) is confined to a wheel chair. Joseph has lost his faith, something that is reflected in his character. In Spain there are weird things going on. The house has cameras installed. The elderly housekeeper thinks it is demons. Joseph has noticed the coincidence of the number 11:11 appearing in his life and tragedy striking...and we are now headed toward 11/11/11!!!!

Gibbs and Landes subject us to a constant barrage of boring monotone dialogue early in the film. Later Joseph, the skeptic, becomes excited. The special effects are low budget, but worked. I enjoyed the twist at the end. It set up for a sequel. I am dying to compare this to other films, but making any comparison would spoil it for the viewer.

Infrequent F-bomb, no sex or nudity.
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