Watched it for years and I love it
17 April 2019
Hishe (How It Should Have Ended) is so funny and it really makes you realise some things about different films you may not have known, of course with the mocking side of things.

I think what most people worry about with hishe is that they put down movies, which I am here to say that they don't. What they do is show where the story may have gone if one of the characters took an alternate route or what another possible ending could have been.

As well as that, hishe do have there own jokes and special twists. If you have been watching for long enough or seen many of there videos, you would know about the super cafe, "do you want to know my secret identity" and "because I'm Batman". For those of you who don't know, the super cafe is where batman and superman are always seen hanging out. Usually, the main characters from the movie they were making a video on, would go and sit with them and they would talk. These are usually funny little chats or arguments where usually, Batman or superman (usually Batman) starts competition between them.

Basically, it is all just a bit of a laugh. It is so funny and if you are into movies like I am, I would suggest watching these videos as they definitely know what they are talking about. Some videos can be a little bit rude so not for all ages but those videos are in the minority. There really aren't that many. Normally those that are slightly rude, are the ones where the film is rude in the first place.
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