Review of Keeping Faith

Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Read the negative reviews first
10 May 2019
Before you watch Season 1, read the reviews titled "Stop the madness..." and "Dumbest Smart People." They say everything I would have written here. In summary: painfully slow, devoid of suspense, Eve Myles' overacting and obsession with her hair, her character's highly questionable mothering skills and overall goofiness, truly dumb decisions by lead characters, an 8-part series that should have been a 4-parter at most. To this I would add the most annoying moaning music score with an intermittent screeching tea pot noise in episode 1, a director's overuse of overhead shots and useless panned shots that stop the action presumably to insert artsy film frames, and a confounding reliance on strange, transparently artificial, plot devices too numerous to list here invented by a writer who needs more guidance and experience. There are only two positive things I can say about this show: the uniformly fine acting by all the actors except Myles, and the well-delineated characters of Cerys, Tom and Terry. Nevertheless, I persevered to the end because I wanted to review this and tolerable only by fast-forwarding. I was curious enough to see if the mystery was solved but the flip-flops crammed in made it ultimately disappointing. I am convinced the high-ratings reviews (really? 10 stars?) shown on IMDB were written by friends and family of those who produced this bomb.
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