Cowabunga, Batman!
22 May 2019
Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the visualization of every little boy's superhero "what-if" fantasies. In 2015, a more mature and violent version of this crossover existed when IDW Publishing, which held the comic book rights to the TMNT characters, collaborated with DC Comics. A far more complicated story was presented as a mini-series and expanded to three volumes, further inspiring a limited spin-off series titled the Batman/TMNT Adventures. So this is not the first time that these two properties cross paths but certainly this film, while far more simplified, takes a lot of inspiration from the cross-over comics involving a merger of Shredder's Foot Clan and Ras Al Ghul's League of Assassins; an event which caused Batman and the Ninja Turtles of cooperate.

The animation of this film is superb. It is among the best of any DC film and certainly the art design of the turtles themselves is excellent (much better than the iterations featured in Nickelodeon's most recent TMNT cartoons). The story is pretty simple as far as Batman....or TMNT....animated films go. Someone in Gotham City has been stealing Wayne Tech devices leading Batman to investigate. At the same time, the TMNT leave NYC and head to Gotham City in pursuit of The Shredder, whose foot clan has been breaking into Wayne Tech to steal said devices. Batman, mistakens the Turtles for the culprits, they engage in combat and later become allies to hunt down Shredder and Ras Al Ghul, the real perpetrators, who seek to use mutagen to destroy Gotham City. During the whole debacle, of course Batman's Rogues Gallery get involved and Team Batman and Team TMNT go on a mission taking on various baddies.

Now I admit that the story isn't that great but I also recognize that the majority of people watching this film are watching it because of the idea of seeing Batman and his partners fight against/team up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is something that has never been done before in animation and that is the ultimate draw.
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