The Third Act.
23 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really good idea. What stuck out to me was the stereotyped character CJ. Young Smart Black Female Angry Reckless. Why? We know she lost her father. But why anger? I know it's a character trait that's easy to brush on a character but it's too easy. And we see it too often! Where? Amy Belafonte character played by Saniyya Sidney in The Passage series. Judy Robinson character played by Taylor Russell in the Lost in Space series. We've seen this character before. Why not contemplative, thoughtful and just plain smart? Passionate, yes but smart. Which means she thinks and plans for contingencies "for contingencies" and she respects the dilemma, therefore she is not reckless. CJ is angry the whole film. Her few soft moments don't play well cause she's angry all the time so they don't seem realistic. The Third Act. Writing a screenplay is easy. Writing a really good screenplay is really hard. The Third Act here was lazy I'd say. I don't like to bash but it's like they got tired at the end. They didn't really know how to resolve the story so they left it in a revolving door. There were so many simple things that could have been done stop the incident that were obvious. It takes more thought and courage to write a third act that is different and leaves us happy or at least saying that was interesting. Because of CJ character being blindly reckless we're left with her continuing her quest. Her quest has her doing the same thing but expecting a different result. That is called crazy. That makes no sense for a girl who is scientifically "method" smart.
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