The X-Files: My Struggle (2015)
Season 10, Episode 1
At times exciting, but a misstep for the mythology
23 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After 14 years of The X-Files' shutdown, Mulder and Scully are re-united. Will they finally find the truth this time?

The episode starts off very strongly. Scully tells Mulder about a conspiracy theorist who claims to be looking for proof of alien existence just like him, and Ted O'Malley introduce them to an abductee. While you can tell it's been a long time, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson do a solid job as their title characters. The interaction between the two of them is still fun to watch. Even if I could have done without the now somewhat clichéd "You don't know what you're getting yourself into" rant.

The flashback scenes on this show have always been eerie, and this is no exception. When Sveta recalls her experiences the brutal images shown in quick succession are very creepy. There are also other nice shots such as the UFO crashing into the hillside, and Sveta getting abducted at the end.

About 20 minutes in however, writer Chris Carter makes a huge mistake: he expects the audience to believe the last 9 years with countless evidence of extraterrestials and alien abductions have all been staged. Not only doesn't this make any sense considering how many people were killed for uncovering alien conspiracies, but it makes you feel stupid for trying to make sense of all the plot development all these years only for it to turn out to be a waste of time. There have been supersoldiers walking around, for Christ's sake!

So due to that unfortunate direction I'll have to give this episode a middling rating. While I still hold out hope for the rest of the season, I do so with a tinge of skepticism.
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