The Godzilla film fans dreamed of :)!
30 May 2019
Right from being a child and watching the Hana Barbera cartoons and stomping round the house pretending to be Godzilla, to being allowed to stay up till the early hours of the morning as a treat by my Dad to watch the Togo films on channel 4 here here in the UK I have loved Godzilla. How I wish he was still here today to have watched this glorious film with me.

Baffled by many of the reviews saying to much Kaiju action or poor director etc.

This film was clearly made by a dedicated and passionate Godzilla fan. The sheer amount of Easter eggs and fan service which had me grinning is incredible, (yet knowledgeable Godzilla fans on RT seem to not have noticed any of this) and talk about the likes of fire breathing dragons ><!

Anyway the film is awesome. One of my favourite films of all time. Definitely my favourite Godzilla film.

The effects are incredible.

The music is awesome. You will be grinning from ear to ear at certain points.

I actually like the human cast. I liked 2014 Godzilla but did not like the main cast Aaron Tailor Johnson. Did not have those issues here. They play imo a good supporting cast to the main cast you care about - The Titans :)!

I'm super excited to see what happens next in the monsterverse.

Make sure you stay till the VERY end of the credits scene or for a final scene hinting at wha could be to come ;)!

I would also encourage you to write a review also should you watch and enjoy the film. Let's not let the likes of Rotten Tomatoes deter people from seeing a very fun and entertaining Godzilla movie :)!
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