Another badly written episode
26 June 2019
It's where Picard and Guinan first meet, so Picard has to go, or they never will? It's hard to believe, since Guinan would naturally want a job as Bartender on the Federation's flagship.

Data loses his head twice. One more, and someone can open a juggling act for the rent money!

Data hands young Jack London a huge wad of money as if it's nothing. Sadly, Data has no money to pay Picard's rent.

The Dividians only prey on the sick and dying - people who are already in a hospital bed. It's obvious that the Dividians take only what they need to survive.

But since they do prey on Humans, this makes them a threat to all Humanity - even though Humans are spread far and wide by the 24th Century.

Earthquakes? Here in San Fran? Hahahahaha! Except that there were plenty of Earthquakes in San Fran - one happened just a few months previously.

The Federation has synthetic alcohol (just like the real thing, but you can will yourself sober). So it's ok to drink on all Starships - it's giving up cigars that abolished poverty?

Drink up, everyone!
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